Thursday, August 26, 2010

Da Cor Do Pecado English Subs


On 12 August, as part of International Youth Day 2010 Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General Kofi Annan, stated:

"Young people are making important contributions to our fight against poverty, the spread of disease and climate change, and also for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. I therefore urge Member States to increase investment they devote to the youth so that young people can do more. "

Inspiring statement as only the United Nations knows the state. I have indeed always been fascinated by the power of words and the conviction that emanated from such statements performative. Thus, continued the Secretary-General Kofi Annan, "This year's celebration of International Youth Day coincides with the launch of the International Youth Year, the theme " Dialogue and mutual understanding "" (Source: UN ). If the cynics see nothing but wishful thinking, I do not share their opinion. We have a duty of optimism. Is not it better to hope for a better world by trying to be patient architect a little more each day? So inspired by this UN declaration, and pleased that the City of Montreal, through its Advisor associated with youth, invites us to an event to celebrate this important day, I accept with enthusiasm the invitation the town hall and I go to City Hall to mark this day with some elected officials and various stakeholders and partners. The event was a great success, the theme of youth is clearly rallying.

The next day I participated in a second celebration. It is organized by the NGO PLAC 21 and its partners (France-Quebec Federation 21, Desjardins (credit Mercier-Rosemont), the TAZ , Views of Africa, The Magnétothèque and Dimagination). Since everything happens at Taz, I take this visit to see firsthand the facilities of the famous wheel skate!

At a booth at the venue, I met a young inspiring that I had to talk to you. His name is Yannick Gervais. President and Founder of an organization called Ticket travelers, he tells me with great passion project he set up. His nonprofit agency has 'mission is to consolidate, sustain and promote emerging filmmakers and speakers travel enthusiasts by offering services and a distribution network for their films and conferences travel ". I learn that in addition to presentations at Cinéma Beaubien, it also presents his lectures in the Houses of Culture Montréal. Frankly refreshing, this young Montreal artist is a wonderful example to follow because it demonstrates that youth are creative and it can and must take its rightful place within the city.

Appointment (very) late

In a different vein, the time that my colleague Michael Wiseman and me waiting for has finally arrived: our appointment was confirmed at the City Council Montreal last Monday to 23h. Wonderful experience it is very interesting to see what happens during a Council meeting. And I must say that all members of the administration (any allegiance confused) and politicians of all parties are very hospitable. Chairman Youth Council, Jonathan Lesage, was also very friendly towards both beginners as we are. In short, young people have a place in municipal politics and it is imperative that we take - nobody will do it for us .

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sinus Infection And Skin Problems

An artist's coming to Montreal Youth Council

social commitment as an artist song for several years, I always felt we had a duty to do more to overcome the values of freedom, equality and fraternity in the Quebec society. I think Michael Ramsay, who wrote eloquently: "The whole world is a great republic in which every nation is a family and each individual child .

If, indeed, I tried to increase my participation in events related to causes that I had at heart, if my convictions have led me to express my views on youth in the Quebec media (in Le Devoir including or taking part in a memorable intergenerational debate Bazzo.TV ), I always had the intimate conviction that political involvement should be central in our lives.

Certainly, not all necessarily need to abandon everything for a political career, but we must make every effort to inform themselves properly in order to participate fully in democracy ... otherwise we become responsible for developing policies that not only does not represent us, but we will hurt.

What happiness, then, in fall 2009, when I came quite by chance on an announcement from the Youth Council of Montreal, which is undergoing "Recruitment Campaign" ! Curious, I visited the website this board that I had never heard of ... and I learn it together fifteen volunteer members from all boroughs. I learn that this Council has "[m] andate advise the mayor and the executive committee on matters of youth" . I also note that current members are inspiring people. I realized then that enthusiastically is a way to influence decisions that affect young Montrealers ... more I understand that the Youth Council of Montreal issued "Notice" that are actually taken into account by the Mayor of Montreal and the executive committee of the city and, therefore, I see this as a golden opportunity to defend a worldview resolutely young and imbued with my own experience of Montrealers 28 years.

I decided to send my application to the selection committee. In winter 2009, following an interview, my application is successful and I am now awaiting a warrant. The good news comes in the summer of 2010. Then I learn that I can sit soon for a period of three years and that my appointment will be ratified at the Council of the City of Montreal next Monday, or Monday, August 23, 2010 !

You understand now why I wanted to dedicate this blog to this experiment. The reflections of this blog will be inspired by the encounters that I will. Thus, during my occasional meetings as a member of the Council, I will try to present a worldview committed, but not partisan, the goal is not to take a position for either party, but to understand the issues, going towards the Other, as written Hannah Arendt, trying to "understand the world as it appears on the other."

This is a political act as I see it.