Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lola Transporter 2 Shoes

prayer Our Father Who Art in Heaven

2779 Prior to this our first impulse of the Lord's Prayer, it is useful to purify our heart humbly certain false images of "this world it ". Humility makes us recognize that "no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal," that is to say, "to little ones" (Mt 11 25-27). Purification of heart on the paternal or maternal images, stemming from our personal history and cultural, that influence our relationship to God. God our Father transcends the categories of the created world. Transpose on him or against him, our ideas in this area would be to fabricate idols to adore or pull down. Pray to the Father is to enter into his mystery as he is, and as the Son has revealed him:
2780 We can invoke God as "Father" because he is revealed to us by his Son become man and that his Spirit makes him known. What man can conceive nor the angelic powers glimpse of the personal relationship of the Son to the Father (cf. Jn 1, 1), here the Spirit Son did we participate, we believe that Jesus Christ and are born of God (cf. 1 Jn 5, 1).
2781 When we pray the Father, we have fellowship with him and with his Son, Jesus Christ (cf. 1 Jn 1, 3). It was then that we know and recognize in an ever new wonder. The first word of the Lord's Prayer is a blessing of adoration before a supplication. It is the glory of God that we recognize as "Father", true God. We thank him for having revealed his name, giving us to believe and to be inhabited by his presence ...
2783 Thus, for the Lord's Prayer, we found ourselves at the same time as the Father is revealed (cf. GS 22 § 1) ...
2784 gift of adoption requires on our part continual conversion and new life. Praying to our Father should develop in us two fundamental rules:
The desire and willingness to be like him. Created in His image, likeness by grace we made and we have to respond.
We should remember, when we call God 'Father' that we must act to son of God (St. Cyprian, Fr. Orat. 11: PL 4, 526B).
You can call your Father the God of all goodness, if you keep a heart cruel and inhumane, because in this case you no longer have in you the mark of the goodness of the Heavenly Father (St. John Chrysostom, Hom. In Mt . 7, 14: PG 51, 44B) ...
2785 (...)
Our Father: the name arouses in us, at the same time, love, affection in prayer ... and also hope to get what we ask ... What can indeed refuse the prayer of his children, when they had already previously allowed to be his children? (St. Augustine, serm. Dom. 2, 4, 16: PL 34, 1276).

"Our" Father
2786 "Our" Father refers to God. The adjective, on our part, does not express possession, but an entirely new relationship to God.
2787 When we say "our" Father, we recognize first that all his promises of love announced by the prophets are fulfilled in the new and eternal covenant in his Christ: we have become "his" people and he is now " our "God. This new relationship is a mutual given free membership: it is by love and fidelity (cf. Hosea 2, 21-22, 6, 1-6) we have to respond to "grace and truth" given to us in Jesus Christ (Jn 1, 17).
2788 Since the Lord's Prayer is one of his people in the "last time", that "our" also expresses the certainty of our hope in God's ultimate promise: in the new Jerusalem the victor he will say: "I am his God and he shall be my son "(Rev. 21, 7).
2789 Praying "our" Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that we address it personally. We do not divide the Godhead, since the Father is "the source and origin", but we confess by then the Son is eternally generated by God and that He makes the Holy Spirit. We do not confuse the people, since we confess that our fellowship is with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, in their one Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is consubstantial and indivisible. When we pray the Father, we adore and glorify the Son and the Holy Spirit.
2790 Grammatically, "our" refers to a common reality for many. There is only one God and Father is recognized by those who, through faith in His only Son, are reborn of him by water and the Spirit (cf. 1 Jn 5, 1, John 3 , 5). The Church is this new communion of God and men united in one and only Son became "the firstborn among many brethren" (Rom 8, 29), she is in communion with one and the same Father in one and the same Holy Spirit (cf. Eph 4, 4-6). In praying "our" Father, pray every baptized in this communion: "The multitude of believers had but one heart and one soul" (Acts 4, 32). 2791
Therefore, despite the divisions among Christians, the prayer to "our" Father remains the common good and an urgent appeal to all the baptized. In communion with Christ through faith and Baptism, they must participate in the prayer of Jesus for the unity of his disciples (cf. UR 8, 22).
2792 Finally, if we pray the Our Father, we leave individualism behind, because the love that we receive we freed. The "us" from the beginning of the Lord's Prayer, as "we" of the last four petitions, excludes no one. It might be said in truth (cf. Mt 5: 23-24, 6, 14-16), our divisions and oppositions have to be overcome.
2793 The baptized can not pray "our" Father without bringing before him all those for whom he gave his beloved Son. God's love is boundless, our prayer should be as well (cf. NA 5). Praying "our" Father gives us the dimensions of his love revealed in Christ: praying with and for all men who do not yet know him, so they are "gathered together in unity" (Jn 11, 52). God's care for all men and all creation has inspired all the great intercessors: it must expand our prayer width of love when we dare to say "our" Father.


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