Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Online Koleston Colour Chart

"Who art in heaven"
2794 This biblical expression does not mean a place ["space "], But a way of being, not separation from God but his majesty. Our Father is not" elsewhere ", it is" beyond any "what we can conceive of his holiness. C is because he is thrice holy that he is close to the humble and contrite heart:
is with reason that the words 'Our Father which art in heaven' mean the heart of the righteous, when God lives as in his temple. By this also the one who prays wishes to see him live one he cites (St. Augustine, serm. Dom. 2, 5, 17: PL 34, 1277).
"Heaven" could well be as those who bear the image of the celestial world, and in whom God dwells and walks (St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catech. myst. 5, 11: PG 33, 1117B).
2795 The symbol of the heavens refers us to the mystery of the Covenant which we live when we pray to our Father. He is in heaven is his tabernacle, the Father's house is our homeland. This is the land of the Alliance that sin has exiled (cf. Gen 3) and unto the Father, to heaven conversion of heart that makes us come back (cf. Jer 3, 19 to 4 , 1a, Lk 15, 18. 21). Yet it is in Christ that heaven and earth are reconciled (cf. Is 45, 8, Ps 85, 12), for the Son "came down from heaven," alone, and we traced him through his Cross, Resurrection and Ascension (cf. Jn 12, 32, 14, 2-3, 16, 28 , 20, 17, Eph 4, 9-10; Heb 1, 3, 2, 13).
2796 When the Church prays "our Father which art in heaven," she professes that we are already God's people "sitting in heaven in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2, 6), "hidden with Christ in God" (Col 3, 3), and at the same time, "moaning in this state, ardently desiring to take, over the other our heavenly dwelling" (2 Cor 5, 2, cf. Ph 3, 20, Heb 13 14):


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