2828 "Give us": she's beautiful children's confidence while waiting for their father. "He makes his sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and the unjust" (Mt 5, 45) and it gives all the living "their food in his time" (Ps 104, 27 ). Jesus teaches us this request: it glorifies our Father in effect because it recognizes how good it is beyond all goodness.
2829 "Give us" is still an expression of the Alliance we are Him and he is ours, for us. But this "we" also recognizes him as the Father of all men and we pray for them all, in solidarity with their needs and suffering.
2830 "Our bread". The Father who gives us life, can not but give us the food necessary for life, all property "suitable" material and spiritual. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasized that trust subsidiary which engages in the providence of our Father (cf. Mt 6, 25-34). It commits us to no passivity (cf. 2 Thes 3: 6-13) but wants to free us from worry and preoccupation maintained. Such is the filial Children of God:
those who seek justice and the Kingdom of God, he promises to give everything to boot. Everything indeed belongs to God, he who possesses God lacks nothing, if he himself does not fail to God (St. Cyprian, Fr. Orat. 21: PL 4, 534A).
2831 But the presence of those who are hungry for lack of bread reveals another depth of this request. The tragedy of hunger in the world calls Christians who pray sincerely to exercise responsibility toward their brethren, both in their personal behavior and in their solidarity with the human family. This request for the Lord's Prayer can not be isolated from the parables Lazarus (cf. Lk 16, 19-31) and Last Judgement (cf. Mt 25, 31-46).
2832 As leaven in the dough, the newness of the kingdom shall move the earth by the Spirit of Christ (cf. AA 5). It must be manifested by the establishment of justice in personal relationships and social, economic and international, without ever forgetting that there is no structure without just humans who want to be fair.
2833 It's "our" Bread, "a" for "several". Poverty of the Beatitudes is the virtue of sharing: it calls to communicate and share material and spiritual wealth, not by coercion but by love, that the abundance of some remedy to the needs of others (cf. 2 Cor 8 1-15).
2834 "Pray and work" (cf. St. Benedict, reg. 20, 48). "Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you" (Attributed to Ignatius Loyola, cf. Ribadeneyra Stone, Tractatus de modo gubernandi Sancti Ignatii 6, 14). Having done our job, food is a gift from our Father, it is fair to Him and ask Him to give thanks for that very reason. This is the meaning of the blessing of the table in a Christian family.
2835 This application and the liability incurred, apply again for another hunger which men perish: "Man does not live by bread alone, but everything that comes from the mouth of God" (Dt 8: 3; Mt 4, 4), that is to say, his Word and Breath . Christians must mobilize all their efforts to proclaim the Gospel to the poor. " There is a hunger on earth, "not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but to hear the Word of God" (Amos 8, 11). That is why the specifically Christian sense of this fourth petition concerns the Bread of Life: the Word of God accepted in faith, the Body of Christ received in the Eucharist (cf. Jn 6: 26-58).
2836 "Today" is also a expression of confidence. The Lord tells us (cf. Mt 6, 34, Ex 16, 19), our assumption could not invent it. Since this is primarily its Word and the Body of her Son, that "today" is not only of our mortal time: Today it is of God: If you receive
bread every day, every day for you today is. If Christ is yours today, every day he rises again for you. How so? 'You are my Son, today I t'engendre' (Ps 2, 7). Today, that is to say, when the resurrected Christ (St. Ambrose, sacred. 5, 26: PL 16, 453A).
2837 "From that day". This word, epiousios, has no other job in the New Testament. Caught in a temporal sense, it is a pedagogical repetition of "today" (cf. Ex 16, 19-21) to confirm us in trust "without reservation". Caught in a qualitative sense, it signifies the necessity of life, and more generally all good enough for subsistence (cf. 1 Tim 6, 8). Taken literally (epiousios "on-key"), it refers directly to the Bread of Life, the Body of Christ, "the medicine of immortality" (St. Ignatius of Antioch) without which we have no life in us (cf. Jn 6: 53-56). Finally, linked to the above, the celestial sense is obvious: "This Day" is the Lord, the Feast of the kingdom, anticipated in the Eucharist, which is already a foretaste of the coming Kingdom. It is therefore appropriate that the Eucharistic Liturgy is celebrated each day. "
The Eucharist is our daily bread. Virtue peculiar to this divine food is a uniting force: it unites us in the Body of Christ and makes us members so that we become what we receive ... This bread is still in daily readings you hear each day in the Church, in the hymns that they sing and you sing. All this is necessary for our pilgrimage (St. Augustine, Serm. 57, 7, 7: PL 38, 389).
The heavenly Father urges us to ask as children of heaven, bread of heaven. (Cf. Jn 6, 51). Christ "himself is the bread which, sown in the Virgin, raised in the flesh, kneaded in the Passion, baked in the furnace of the Sepulchre, placed in reserve in the Church, brought to the altar, each day provides the faithful a heavenly food "(St. Pierre Chrysologue, serm. 71: PL 52, 402D).
2829 "Give us" is still an expression of the Alliance we are Him and he is ours, for us. But this "we" also recognizes him as the Father of all men and we pray for them all, in solidarity with their needs and suffering.
2830 "Our bread". The Father who gives us life, can not but give us the food necessary for life, all property "suitable" material and spiritual. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasized that trust subsidiary which engages in the providence of our Father (cf. Mt 6, 25-34). It commits us to no passivity (cf. 2 Thes 3: 6-13) but wants to free us from worry and preoccupation maintained. Such is the filial Children of God:
those who seek justice and the Kingdom of God, he promises to give everything to boot. Everything indeed belongs to God, he who possesses God lacks nothing, if he himself does not fail to God (St. Cyprian, Fr. Orat. 21: PL 4, 534A).
2831 But the presence of those who are hungry for lack of bread reveals another depth of this request. The tragedy of hunger in the world calls Christians who pray sincerely to exercise responsibility toward their brethren, both in their personal behavior and in their solidarity with the human family. This request for the Lord's Prayer can not be isolated from the parables Lazarus (cf. Lk 16, 19-31) and Last Judgement (cf. Mt 25, 31-46).
2832 As leaven in the dough, the newness of the kingdom shall move the earth by the Spirit of Christ (cf. AA 5). It must be manifested by the establishment of justice in personal relationships and social, economic and international, without ever forgetting that there is no structure without just humans who want to be fair.
2833 It's "our" Bread, "a" for "several". Poverty of the Beatitudes is the virtue of sharing: it calls to communicate and share material and spiritual wealth, not by coercion but by love, that the abundance of some remedy to the needs of others (cf. 2 Cor 8 1-15).
2834 "Pray and work" (cf. St. Benedict, reg. 20, 48). "Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you" (Attributed to Ignatius Loyola, cf. Ribadeneyra Stone, Tractatus de modo gubernandi Sancti Ignatii 6, 14). Having done our job, food is a gift from our Father, it is fair to Him and ask Him to give thanks for that very reason. This is the meaning of the blessing of the table in a Christian family.
2835 This application and the liability incurred, apply again for another hunger which men perish: "Man does not live by bread alone, but everything that comes from the mouth of God" (Dt 8: 3; Mt 4, 4), that is to say, his Word and Breath . Christians must mobilize all their efforts to proclaim the Gospel to the poor. " There is a hunger on earth, "not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but to hear the Word of God" (Amos 8, 11). That is why the specifically Christian sense of this fourth petition concerns the Bread of Life: the Word of God accepted in faith, the Body of Christ received in the Eucharist (cf. Jn 6: 26-58).
2836 "Today" is also a expression of confidence. The Lord tells us (cf. Mt 6, 34, Ex 16, 19), our assumption could not invent it. Since this is primarily its Word and the Body of her Son, that "today" is not only of our mortal time: Today it is of God: If you receive
bread every day, every day for you today is. If Christ is yours today, every day he rises again for you. How so? 'You are my Son, today I t'engendre' (Ps 2, 7). Today, that is to say, when the resurrected Christ (St. Ambrose, sacred. 5, 26: PL 16, 453A).
2837 "From that day". This word, epiousios, has no other job in the New Testament. Caught in a temporal sense, it is a pedagogical repetition of "today" (cf. Ex 16, 19-21) to confirm us in trust "without reservation". Caught in a qualitative sense, it signifies the necessity of life, and more generally all good enough for subsistence (cf. 1 Tim 6, 8). Taken literally (epiousios "on-key"), it refers directly to the Bread of Life, the Body of Christ, "the medicine of immortality" (St. Ignatius of Antioch) without which we have no life in us (cf. Jn 6: 53-56). Finally, linked to the above, the celestial sense is obvious: "This Day" is the Lord, the Feast of the kingdom, anticipated in the Eucharist, which is already a foretaste of the coming Kingdom. It is therefore appropriate that the Eucharistic Liturgy is celebrated each day. "
The Eucharist is our daily bread. Virtue peculiar to this divine food is a uniting force: it unites us in the Body of Christ and makes us members so that we become what we receive ... This bread is still in daily readings you hear each day in the Church, in the hymns that they sing and you sing. All this is necessary for our pilgrimage (St. Augustine, Serm. 57, 7, 7: PL 38, 389).
The heavenly Father urges us to ask as children of heaven, bread of heaven. (Cf. Jn 6, 51). Christ "himself is the bread which, sown in the Virgin, raised in the flesh, kneaded in the Passion, baked in the furnace of the Sepulchre, placed in reserve in the Church, brought to the altar, each day provides the faithful a heavenly food "(St. Pierre Chrysologue, serm. 71: PL 52, 402D).
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