Sunday, October 17, 2004

Pokemone 6300 Mobile Game


2838 This application is amazing. If it contained only the first phrase - "Forgive us our trespasses" - it may be included implicitly in the first three applications of the Lord's Prayer, since Christ's sacrifice is "for the remission of sins." But, according to a second phrase, our request will be answered if we first responded to a requirement. Our request is turned towards the future, our response must be preceded and a word connects them "like".
Forgive us our trespasses ...
2839 In a bold confidence, we began to pray to our Father. Begging him that his name be sanctified, we asked him to be still more sanctified. But, although clothed with the baptismal garment, we continue to sin, to distract us from God. Now in this new demand, we return to him like the prodigal son (cf. Lk 15, 11-32), and we recognize sinners before him, as the publican (cf. Lk 18, 13). Our petition begins with a "confession" in which we confess the same time our wretchedness and his mercy. Our hope is firm because, in his Son,''we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins''(Col. 1, 14, Eph 1, 7). The efficient and unmistakable sign of his forgiveness, we find in sacraments of his Church (cf. Mt 26, 28, Jn 20, 23). But
2840, and is formidable, this flood of mercy can not penetrate our heart as we do not forgive those who trespass against us. Love, as the Body of Christ is indivisible: we can not love God that we do not see if we do not like the brother, sister, we see (cf. 1 Jn 4, 20). In refusing to forgive our brothers and sisters, our heart closes, its hardness makes it impervious to the merciful love of the Father in the confession of our sin, our heart is open to his grace.
2841 This request is so important that it is the only one on which the Lord comes back and he develops in the Sermon on the Mount (cf. Mt 6, 14-15, 5, 23-24, Mk 11, 25) . This crucial requirement of the mystery of the Alliance is impossible for man. But "everything is possible with God."


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