Sunday, October 17, 2004

Pink Mucus Day Before Period

us not into temptation, but deliver us

This request reaches the root of the previous one, because our sins are the fruits of consent to temptation. We ask our Father not we submit. Translate a word from the Greek word is difficult: it means "do not allow to enter" (cf. Mt 26, 41), "lead us not into temptation." "God does not hurt, it feels no one else" (Jas 1, 13), he seeks to liberate us. We ask him not to let us take the path that leads to sin. We are engaged in battle "between flesh and Spirit." This petition implores the Spirit of discernment and strength.
2847 The Holy Spirit makes us discern between the proof necessary for the growth of the inner man (cf. Lk 8, 13-15, Acts 14, 22, 2 Tim 3, 12) for a " proven virtue "(Romans 5: 3-5), and temptation, which leads sin and death (cf. Jas 1, 14-15). We must also distinguish between "being tempted" and "consent" to temptation. Finally, discernment unmasks the lie of temptation: apparently, its purpose is "good to see attractive, desirable" (Gn 3, 6), whereas in reality its fruit is death.
God does not enjoin the good, he wants to be free ... A temptation is something good. All but God knows what our soul has received from God, even us. But the obvious temptation for us to learn about us, and here we see our misery, and force us to give thanks for goods that temptation has emerged (Origen, gold. 29).
2848 "Do not enter into temptation" implies a decision of the heart: "Where your treasure is, there will your heart ... No man can serve two masters" (Mt 6, 21. 24). "Since the Spirit is our life, the Spirit let us also walk" (Gal 5, 25). In this "consent" to the Holy Spirit the Father gives us strength. "No temptation you came, that passed the human scale. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength. With the temptation, he will give you the way out and the strength of bear "(1 Cor 10, 13).
2849 But such a battle and such a victory is possible only in prayer. It is through prayer that Jesus vanquishes the tempter, from the beginning (cf. Mt 4, 1 -11) and in the ultimate struggle of his agony (cf. Mt 26, 36-44). It is his battle and his agony that Christ unites us in this application to our Father. "Vigilance is the heart insistently recalled (cf. Mark 13, 9.. 23 33-37; 14, 38, Lk 12, 35-40) in fellowship with his. Vigilance is "custody" of the heart and Jesus asks the Father "we keep in His name "(Jn 17, 11). The Holy Spirit seeks to awaken us to constantly this vigilance (cf. 1 Cor 16, 13; Col 4, 2, 1 Thessalonians 5, 6, 1 P 5, 8). This request makes perfect sense of drama from the temptation of our final battle on earth, she asked the final perseverance. "I come like a thief Blessed is he who watches" (Rev. 16, 15).


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