Sunday, January 30, 2011

Express Gate Installation

Sunday's column: The Double Life of POC

In the preamble to this post, I remembered that I have a rather stressful job that makes me rush alternate weeks of intense periods of calm and not really relaxing since I must stay the alert. This does not excuse everything, I realize ...

Here are two Christmas, a large area made an attractive promotion on the sims 2, then at the end of life as the three would soon go out, I liked 1, 2 would be necessarily better, j 'So I succumbed to temptation.
Since then, I have my periods "Sims," which alternate with phases of my "animal crossing" or "wii" or "XBOX" or "game cube ", but the eras" sims " are often longer and more involved.

Initially, I played "normally." I urge my creations to have multiple partners of both sexes, then I take them to pursue careers and sometimes to procreate and then abandon them for me again in another house elsewhere in cleansing, with other lives to build.
But recently, I became more "professional" in my playing. All

this story started when I wanted to see if an alien Sim Sim and earthy greens could have children ...

Ideally, I take in hand the little creature from birth, I will discuss its creation later. During his childhood, he is over-aroused by his parents, who are dedicated exclusively to education. As soon as he becomes a toddler, once revamped, he devoted himself to learning as soon as he can, the game is incidental, if I can distract him by playing chess or the piano, rather than the socializing, I do. His parents are themselves responsible for obtaining well see the director of the private school he had the opportunity to enter. Adolescence is generally more pleasant for my "creation" who has the right to flirt to make some of his desires, keeping in mind that it must continue its quest for knowledge to be an adult performance.

Once the child sim grown, according to his qualifications, he spends the rest of his life in the box to sims where he joined his own home for a successful career or start a beautiful family.

brings me to the origins of my little "sim". It is often the result of the union of a sim that did not stay long in the box sims, because its physical qualities, the triumph of reproduction. It is installed in a more or less tidy house he can decorate his own money to win - I never cheat in Sims. He released what it takes to meet people, and find the ideal partner for future reproduction. His installation torque can wait until he reached the summits of his career or go faster if I quickly found his perfect half. Meanwhile, my sim has a rich social and sexual life. It is always at least bisexual just to close any doors, but aside from the Simet, I can not imagine a couple of men because of reproduction simesque my thirst.

Once my sim well positioned in the social scale and rich enough, it's time to copulate. You know the rest, then the parents dedicate themselves to their toddler, to gain maximum knowledge and then once they are recovered from the birth and education of small first, they begin to design the second and once again ...

The problem is that I filled the first two quarters of my sims and that the reproduction becomes quite complex, since there is almost more than two strains of families. Usually when I'm looking for a girlfriend or a teen, I realize he can not flirt with another character, who happens to be a distant cousin or an uncle. The game does not tolerate, and rightly, incest. Well, I noticed however that when my sim had decided to have a child with a neighbor to see what it could give (a big misfires that matter), the father did not recognize the baby as one of its own This would have been allowed to germinate the worst ideas in my brain sick player. Already I'm a little vexed by not being able to mate my teens, the game is a bit backward on this. Meanwhile, the Yanks found that "Skins" is a monstrous series ... My teens should wear purity rings to my knowledge. But when they are adults, their frustration leads them to not want one thing: having sex in bed ...
I wonder if the sims 3 have moved the cursor on that.

You begin to wonder if your years of faithfulness to this blog were a good idea to discover what you imagine to be the true personality of its author, but keep in mind that this is a Thurs Unlike Sheldon, I do not intend to apply it in real life. In addition, I do not spend my nights in cemeteries to try to do the same thing with bits of corpse ... In addition, I have never intentionally killed a sim. They've got to piss they were engrossed to work, but never die, they are treated well ...

The "Sims" remains for me the only workaround I've found to playmobils as adults without children have a priori no right to own their own use. I feel that my wife is about to go to the dark side, in turn, since it envisages a union between an elf and the son of his old family ...


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