The alarm will it sound? A soul left
There is, I fear, not much to expect in France. France is it "finished"? under the next JP Chevenement book, which not even the courage to denounce the Sept. 11 plot. The convolutions of expert R. Dumas recently have been disappointing. Intellectually, it is even zero, since I, who am nothing, he has learned nothing. Neither Le Pen nor N. Dupont-Aignan speak of what constitutes a scandal far more enormous than the Dreyfus affair. E. Zemmour carefully avoids the subject. And it is one, Dreyfus Affair, however! since denounced the staging of these grotesque and false attacks, we fight for truth and honor to save what remains of democracy, here and there!
Anyone with an average IQ can not accept the government version of attacks. It must either be a fool (there is not that much) or a liar, a manipulator (Lelouche kind) and to swallow to swallow the story of crazy, prepared by fools for fools made reasonable morons. A steel building does not beat in ten seconds without explosives! An airliner is not a silly little hole in the wall of the Pentagon or on the soil of Pennsylvania!
For their part, the Americans will really change anything now that a majority of they rejected the official version of the attacks? Imagine there a popular insurrection in the U.S.? Why not if the people crushed by its own debts has no other resource? But the link was made between the impoverished classes (blacks or Hispanics or former soldiers for ex.) Decommissioned and young citizens, more likely to intellectualization and criticism? The discovery of the nature of the attacks is dangerous for any political system, both here and there. France has, as in 2003, all assets to grow over the other nations (September 11 crisis, the euro and EU dollar virtual demonization of Iran). Is it impossible, illusory? Is that France was isolated and misunderstood in the 60s? Is it "finished"?
Petit message left on the blog of JP Chevenement but so far ... denied. "Why do not you denounce the terrible conspiracy that is false attacks of September 11? Why do not you ask the repatriation of soldiers sent to Afghanistan for a cause corrupt? Follow in the footsteps of Roland Dumas and break the omerta that prevails on the subject. It would be worthy of you. " Asshole moderator!
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