Friday, January 28, 2011

Kates Playgrounds Wash

What progress? (3)

Conversely, he read lots of different things, do not confining themselves to a specific area: philosophy, poetry, the lives of saints (Teresa of Avila), books of mystical , history, writers (Dostoevsky in particular), correspondence and memoranda. His conversation, rich and polished, was, for once, much nicer than that of A.. Soral, epileptic humorless. He has compiled an anthology of portrait, which is a feast for the mind ("It develops so quickly the ideas of others that one is often caught, and that makes him the honor to believe that it produces what it did just hear. "The Princess of Talmont by the Marchioness of Deffand). He had moved in with a Simone Boué, which is showing a lot of humor.

Moreover, it was a religious spirit, but without religion, as he said. He had a true religious sensibility, in contrast to A. Soral. I heard Soral say once that he was Catholic but not both! Is false, anyway. A. Soral speaks of religion in economic, social, territorial, like everything else, he speaks from the outside but not inside. It has no religious sensitivity. However, that of E. Cioran bursts from his earliest books ("I feel I'm losing the respect that my physical strengths fall and I dissolved in harmony and the rise of inner melodies. A widespread feeling, a feeling indescribable to me reduced to a sum indefinite vibrations, resonances intimate and haunting sounds "). He wanted to live out of this world, in ecstasy or holiness. For the average French secular This said, it is difficult to admit that religious emotions came from the Balkans.

Finally, he bought his past mistakes. If he had been hitlérophile than that, he might, once in Paris, supporting the Germans or Vichy, be it in writing. He spoke perfect German and was primarily Germanophile Romania. He threw packets of cigarettes to French prisoners marching in Paris, at the risk of being shot. The Handbook of decomposition (1949), the first book written in French, condemns all ideals, and at the same time, those of his youth. In truth, young intellectual in a country that became too big (plus Romania Bessarabia years 20), it was primarily hurt by the pettiness and mediocrity that inspired him the destiny of this country, a country of "Broken, skeptics and resigned ". This is especially the book The transfiguration of the face of Romania (1936) which is under investigation. E. Cioran dreamed "of Romania would have the destiny of France and the people of China." Moreover, if A. Soral had read the articles Cioran the 30s, what did the Romanian G. Lïceanu, he also noticed things like: "I began to study Buddhism in order not to let me poison or contaminated by Hitlerism. "or" It seemed that all stretched their hands toward him, imploring a yoke able to contain them, as they yearned impatiently to punishment "(Article 1937). I do not see how , however, Soral would read, at the time, these articles and this book, translated into French only in 2004 and 2009?

continued ...


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