Thursday, February 17, 2011

Forum Kates Playgrounds Bathroom

Mustard her nose up at

Who does A. Soral? Since the recent release of his latest book, Understanding Empire, which I read when the fever is gone, it feels more piss. In one of his recent videos, not only does he ramble ("I repeat my apology to Muslims ...") but, more importantly, it now sees itself as an object itself, using the third person to her:" Alain Soral, dissident intellectual ... " Fate that falls on all who believe in their destiny, whether for office or a place of enviable status as a writer.

can be seen on a video dedications (which, at Actually, no interest): A. Soral expecting it, the public recognition. More than fifty years he has suffered too much from the media except to avoid unwrapping her secret pleasure, that of being recognized, something very human, but one that will inevitably get him into trouble. He now has a responsibility to its many readers who will sooner or later, or really disappointed temporarily for reasons outside Soral, make him pay. Soral dangerously and deliberately ignores the stranglehold on the unconscious minds: it is always in his videos monthly, for example, asides on such micro-event it grows excessively, thinking thereby fighting, misunderstandings or thwart tampering, manipulation or misunderstandings that may not destroy all, he, A. Soral, so human and overcome with gratitude! His website, Equality and Reconciliation, which makes him happy, having exceeded the X input, is also a hodgepodge of various interventions, videos, articles, links, impossible to read quietly, and even become completely unreadable since the Readers can leave comments (like "Strength and honor, Alain!"). Posing at the head of social consciousness and politque, he forgets that it is the unconscious that we government, as shown in this pathetic desire to sign autographs stupid chain, quit at the wrist to hurt!

Fuck a blow, man! You're not going to change anything that happens! The world government is (still) a dream! Manipulations fail, like everything else! What if World War III breaks out, it will not be failing to prevent the whole world is crazy man, nothing can be done!


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