series Top Chef Top fan
I waited impatiently for the return of "Top Leader" in my small screen. It must be said that this issue has come since its first season the top 5 of my tele-reality favorites. I appreciate his playful side frankly and obviously his size very remote réalitesque. But yesterday, discovering the first episode, I wondered if M6 was not sometimes a little later in the melodramatic side at the expense of the bottom (of calf).
By discovering some of the candidates, so "koh lanta" with a video about their lives before entering the show, I sometimes felt to discover the new Cast star ac 'with the girl who lost her father, the former rabble who was rescued by the kitchen and now wants to be the pride of his son, and the young man who was adopted. I wondered which of the candidates 'problem' would be the first eliminated and it is ultimately the boy who found the redemption from stoves and yet idolized one of the jurors, Thierry Marx, who has been failed. The cretin, who hung on a tree blocked his death unstable causing them to spread on the ground, is strangely remained in the race, because instead of her that as she had nothing to show she was turning, the jury has reveled in its proposals that had dragged on the floor of an airport, an area trampled by at least all the technicians of the issue. We must believe that the jury of the issue is not suffering from severe OCD cleanliness. The young asian messy and always floss, Nor does the cost of disposal, as the youngest candidate in the adventure, which confuses Toulouse salt and sugar.
Outside aspects réalitesque distance, I enjoyed very playful side of this pre-test. Some had to decline a vegetable appetizers to desserts and other food cooking in the store from the airport. I complained the Mexican candidate, Slimy lookalike, who inherited the chard, which he did not know existed until now, but he is obviously out beautifully and will, in my opinion, a competitor formidable.
But hey, most proposals Culinary made from "snack" were zappées the benefit of the dramatization of the words with the tree of candidate hysterical kept falling, so I was pretty annoyed.
After removal of two candidates, the show really began at 22h10 with the first round leaders, concocted by Jean-François Piège, very forceful, which has invited the candidates to revisit the favorite dishes of the French asking them to dream with the stew. So they had to sublimate sauerkraut, beef bourguignon, coq au vin, or couscous as a vegetarian ... and so lightweight. At this game, some candidates have demonstrated their creativity and others have already fallen, like the poor ill-looking Belgian, who has been the third out in the adventure without too much drums, no trumpets although the final round was heavily dramatized music blows of circumstance.
After this first episode, I'm pretty excited about the cast, with more girls than last year, and the capability of candidates, none of which is derived from a "dinner almost perfect " good news already, but I booed M6 ridiculously long duration of the show and some red-TV réalitesques.
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